Friday, January 28, 2011

Daily Distractions

We all do it. Really important things need to be done, but instead when the internet browser opens, we go straight to a place that will keep us occupied potentially for hours. That paper that had to be done before bed gets put off until the next morning. That math assignment you needed to finish? Forgotten. I'll keep this short, but here are a few my favorite distractions. What a fantastic place. I have never laughed so hard I cried for more than an hour.. until I found this website. I don't know what is so funny about cell phones misinterpreting our intended messages, but these mistakes make my abs sore from laughter. Ok, I love my parents, and they are not incapable of typing on their cell phones, but sometimes they say things that just seem a little off. Apparently, this is typical parental behavior. Almost as funny as the first site listed! This is a blog that keeps it's posts short and sweet. Each entry begins with a quote, followed by a tip on how to be smarter, prettier, and a little less awkward. It's not the shallow type of thing it sounds like, and many of the tips involve links to other interesting things that will prolong your internet procrastination.

And finally... Exactly what is sounds like. People send in passive-aggressive notes they find in random locations, from their front door to the fridge at their workplace. They are hilarious, and also make you think about the ridiculous-ness your own passive-aggressive tendencies.

So there you go. Have a lovely weekend, filled with new adventures! But if you have some time to kill, get distracted =)


  1. love you sis! I hope you become very very famous with your blog! haha.

  2. ps - i think your blog is on pacific time because it is definitely 6:12pm right now, not 4:12pm
