Thursday, January 27, 2011

And this is where we begin...

So I'm having a little bit of a lack of sleep, which is odd since I've been up since seven this morning, but when I can't sleep I try to do something other than just lay there... And now I have a blog? Well this has been a long time coming.
But to start, I'd like to say this blog has been created at a time when I don't really know what my life is like. I have been having the best beginning of a new year I could have ever imagined, better than I could imagine in fact because things never turn out how I expect. But at the same time, I have found myself frustrated more often than I would like. Why you may ask? Because I want to know where all the amazing things in my life are headed. Sort of odd, that I am enjoying the unexpected, yet annoyed that I can't figure out what will happen next. But for now, I will love every minute of this crazy fun life, and try to quit trying to figure out what's next.
So for now, a list of random facts.

I smile like a maniac when I run. Seriously, I hope daily rec-goers get enjoyment out of the big ole grin on my face as I run around the track. I just realized this today, and began to wonder if I look like Steve Spurrier, how you can't tell whether he is smiling or angry.

I do my homework in bed. I told myself this awful habit would change this year when I bought myself a desk and covered the top with quotes from my favorite songs, books, movies, etc. While I love the way my desk looks, when I have a cushy mattress right next to it why would I think about sitting in a wooden chair? Instead I put my cereal and coffee on the chair, and eat breakfast while writing my latest pathetic sociology paper.

I make lists about everything. I currently have lists floating around of music I need to delete from my iTunes, movies I desperately need to watch, things I need to do when I wake up tomorrow, people I need to call, and then there are the lists that take place on my dear room mate's dry erase board so we can read, laugh, and erase before anyone else sees what we actually talk about when we have bonding time.

So there. This list is rather shorter than my other aforementioned lists, but I probably should get to bed sometime in the near future, and I would like to make some adjustments to the look of my blog before that happens.

Much love,

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