Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Things to Come...

As I sat in my room and studied until I felt as if my brain was using its last bit of courage to keep itself from spilling out my ears, I began to think of all the joyous time I will have this summer to NOT study. What a glorious thought. Only two short weeks until I have three months filled with--well, work! But, there are many hours between those I will spend in Government Documents, and I can fill them however I please! I may have high expectations because last summer was so wonderful, but I really do not think I will be let down. So, for my first look at summer, what I'm looking forward to the most:

My roommates. Erin, whom I live with now, will be staying for the summer and I cannot wait for more time when we can play guitar together and go running. Caitlin, a new friend this year, will be joining us for the summer. She is adventurous and ambitious, so I am sure many grand schemes will be drawn up and we may just follow through with them.

Work crew. Last summer I was able to serve high school youth groups from PCA churches at the conference Breakaway. I was on work crew, which meant lots of work, not very much sleep, and loads of fun with other college students working alongside me. I enjoyed it so much that I signed up for a second year!

New family. My sister is getting married in June, and I will gain a great brother! Also, he has two sisters, one of which is already my best friend! I will be attending many other friends' weddings this summer, and I look forward to dancing and spending time with the ones I love as they begin new chapters in their lives.

The unexpected. Sometimes during the school year I get so bogged down in all the things I HAVE to get done that I leave spontaneity behind. While I've made lots of progress this year in making time for fun, with no school work to hold me back I can say yes to more unplanned adventures. These impulsive outings could be as simple as a picnic, or as daunting as an unexpected road trip. Either way, I can't wait for the joy of SUMMER!