Monday, March 28, 2011


Over the past few years, I've formed a habit of marathon watching seasons of tv shows I like once they have already been aired, so I don't have to wait impatiently for the next episode week to week. Most recently, I watched the second season of Parks & Recreation. It was quite funny, though I don't know if I would have stuck through it having to wait very long between episodes. So here is a list of tv seasons I have watched (even though some of them are slightly embarrassing), and the ones I intend to watch next.

Already Complete:
-All previous seasons of 30 Rock
-Season 1-6 of The Office
-Season 1 of Community
-Season 1-2 of Gossip Girl
-Season 1 of Pretty Little Liars
-Season 1-4 of Bones
-All previous seasons of Psych
(there are probably more I am forgetting, but these are all I currently remember)

On my to-do list:
-Every season of Mad Men
-The currently airing season of Parks & Rec
-The currently airing season of 30 Rock
-Every season of House
-Band of Brothers

I'm sure there are many more I would enjoy, and this is a list that grows and changes continuously, but for now I have just begun Mad Men and I believe it will occupy me thoroughly for awhile. At least when I have breaks between studying!

Thats all folks,

Monday, March 7, 2011

But I Can't Live Without It!

Upon returning from Winter Conference three weeks ago, one of my car windows decided to misbehave, which ended with my parents taking my car to Birmingham for repairs. My dad had just gotten a job and things were about to get complicated with my parents sharing one car, so they asked to borrow mine for a little while after it was fixed. Of course I said yes, I don't have to drive most places I go, and while it is very convenient to be able to go anywhere I would like on a whim, it is not necessary. 
For the first few days, I did get a little irritated, and there was one time I forgot to ask my roommate for her keys and was almost late to babysit. But in all honesty, I almost haven't noticed a difference in my life. This huge piece of metal that I seem to think I "need" has been gone for three weeks and I haven't missed a beat. So it got me thinking. What other things in my life do I feel dependent on that I could probably easily give up and barely notice?

Air Conditioning. Probably not the best to start with, because it sounds crazy. But this year, we have turned on our air conditioning sparingly, and it hasn't been that bad. I think we are so used to living in a temperature controlled environment that we have to have it set to our exact preference, which is completely unnecessary. We were created in a world with no A/C, so would it really be that bad without it?

Laptop. It's almost impossible to imagine my life without my laptop, which I am typing on right now as I sit in the library with my friend, who is mixing music on his laptop. But you know what I would be doing if I didn't have this? I would be on one of the twenty computers lining the wall of the study room we're in. Would it be a little inconvenient? Maybe. But would it be terrible? I don't think so. 

Coffee. As an avid drinker of this morning brew, one day without is one day without productivity. Two days without is a second day with a migraine. So far I haven't made it to three days coffee free, and many days I have a second mug full in the afternoon. How long would it be before the caffeine headaches quit coming? I honestly don't want to try to find out. But should I be so dependent on something that many people function quite well without?

I feel like this list could go on forever, as I surround myself with things I consider necessities and come to feel like I depend on them. Really there are many superfluous items I could be completely happy without, but am I willing to actually give them up?